Bethany Kludt: Student Snapshot – Ohio Northern University Edition

Bethany Kludt is a highly motivated and successful young lady who is currently enrolled at Ohio Northern University (ONU). She knows that getting what you want isn’t enough, but rather, doing the right and best kind of work possible in the attainment of your goals holds the key to true and optimal satisfaction. For a young person, she has led an extraordinarily accomplished life. She was born in Dayton, Ohio and has lived in Miamisburg, Ohio for many years. She has been active in a variety of activities from an early age.

She is now an accomplished bicycle motocross (BMX) racer and began her experience with the sport at the age of 4 years old. She began gymnastics at the age of 3 and continued that sport until middle school. She also has years of practice in golf, cheering, and diving, all of which she played at the high-school level. Since enrolling at ONU, she has not put the brakes on her determination to stay active and involved with the kinds of activities that she finds fun, positive and worthwhile.

She has maintained part-time employment throughout her educational course at ONU while also staying active in activities completely outside of work or school (I.E., becoming a member of the National Physique Committee in 2014 and participating in its bikini division competitions).

If you’re interested in attending college, ONU might be the perfect fit for you. Here’s some basic information about the university:

  • It was founded in 1871 and is located in Ada, Ohio
  • It was ranked second among regional colleges in the Midwest by the U.S. News & World Report
  • It is generally considered ‘more selective’ than other colleges or universities.

As an ONU student, Bethany Kludt provides a great example of someone who has learned to balance the aspects of work, school, and extra-curricular activities.

Bethany Kludt: Animal Shelters 101

Bethany Kludt is a successful student who is currently enrolled in college and working towards her bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree. She leads the kind of lifestyle that beckons for a trusted four-legged friend. This is where Bo comes in – her adorable Chihuahua. She enjoys spending time with Bo whether it be in the form of a nice walk or a relaxing reprieve at home.

She is committed to not only her training and successful career in the professional healthcare industry, but also to her daily responsibilities that involve the balancing of work and school.

She believes in a variety of good causes, including that of animal welfare. In this post, we’ll take a quick look at animal shelters and how they may or may not differ depending on their ‘type’.

The most common types of animal shelters in the United States include:

  1. Traditional: These are generally known as ‘Humane Societies’ and most-often take animals from public areas. Animals at these shelters are put up for adoption and may be re-homed directly from the facility. These shelters are run by part-time and full-time paid staff and are mostly funded through donations, adoption fees, and grants. Humane societies are also increasingly offering free or low-cost spay and neutering services to the communities in which they are present.
  2. Control Facilities: Often known as ‘municipal control facilities’ or ‘pet repositories’, these shelters are run purely through the government and are completely funded by taxpayer dollars. They follow local, state, and federal laws and codes and are an extension of the enforcement arm that is ‘animal control’. Some pet repositories allow adoptions; however, many animals are first transferred to rescue organizations (many of which were founded specifically to take animals out of control facilities).

Bethany Kludt is an animal lover.

Bethany Kludt: How to Best Help the Homeless

Bethany Kludt is passionate about a number of good causes, including that of helping the homeless. She understands the need for the underserved communities within the homeless population (I.E., those dealing with mental illnesses, domestic abuse, drug addiction, and other afflictions), to receive proper assistance and compassionate guidance out of the plight of living without the security of a home. There are many reasons why individuals may face homelessness, and she is keenly aware that all too many folks who are simply down-and-out fall through the cracks.

In this post, we’ll take a quick look at some of the causes of homelessness, as well as ways in which to truly fight it.

Many people experience homelessness for the first time due to one or more of the following reasons:

  • Identity theft or fraud often results in the victim being shut-out of their career, community, or other life-stabilizing aspect(s) and becoming homeless. This may look like ‘bad luck’ and, for example, can happen when someone is treated unfairly in the professional world or is the victim of blackmail and other forms of harassment.
  • Domestic violence or abuse often results in the victim becoming homeless. A victim of domestic abuse may have it in mind to ‘escape’ for months or even years, however the perpetrator generally makes doing so as difficult as possible.

Unfortunately, homeless individuals are all too often marginalized and not treated as individuals dealing with unique issues. So, even if there was no need to supply homeless shelters with financial support, there’d always be a need for good people to ‘show up’, so to speak, to the places that those who have fallen on hard times go. Being there for someone who’s spirit has been dragged through the mud can mean more to a person than one might even imagine.

As a soon-to-be resident nurse, Bethany Kludt is determined to do what she can to help those in need.

Why Bethany Kludt Thinks all Women Should Compete in One Beauty Pageant

Bethany Kludt is a nursing student and a bikini contest competitor. When she was eighteen she competed in her one and only beauty pageant. She believes that every girl should compete in at least one beauty pageant in her life.

Bethany Kludt

While a lot of people dismiss beauty pageants as parading females around for people to judge them, Kludt thinks that pageants can help women reflect on their roles in society and begin to prioritize what they want out of life.

While some people think the different wardrobe changes turn females into life-sized Barbie dolls, Kludt believes that this experience teaches women what kind of clothes flatter them the most. In her opinion, women can take these fashion options into their personal closet. If a woman walks out of the door in an outfit they are proud of, they will be more confident and assertive, which can lead to promotions or more respect from their colleagues.

There is also an interview portion to pageants, during this time Kludt thinks that women begin to analyze their opinions on the major issues that are affecting people today. This moment of self-reflection can shape a women’s thinking and make her a more respectful and tolerant person. Kludt knows that competing in beauty pageants is not for everyone. While some people think that these pageants should be stopped immediately, Bethany Kludt believes that when women participate in one pageant, they will begin to think about themselves and their roles in society that will help them advance in their careers or their other life goals.

A Couple Reasons why Bethany Kludt’s BMX Racing Career Helped Her With Her Studies

According to Bethany Kludt BMX racing and nursing school have a lot in common. Kludt has been racing BMX bicycles since she was a little girl. She has enjoyed success in the sport at all levels. However, Kludt had to eventually leave the sport to focus on college and obtain her nursing degree.

Bethany Kludt

Currently Kludt is a college student enrolled in a nursing program. She sees a lot of similarities between her studies and her BMX racing career. First, Kludt explains that there is a significant time commitment to both activities. Kludt remembers waking up at six am on Saturday mornings to head to the racetrack to get practice runs in and trying to master turning on a banked curve. Today, Kludt still wakes up early in the morning on Saturday, but now it is to review her flash cards for an upcoming test.

Kludt also thinks that knowing when to be aggressive is a key to excelling at both nursing and racing. Sometimes during a BMX race, Kludt has to be aggressive to take her chances to pass an opponent, but not too aggressive that she would tire out. In nursing school, while on clinical rotations, being aggressive will allow Kludt the opportunity to help perform procedures and get more experience. If she was too aggressive, though, it might look poorly on her. To Bethany Kludt, every day she uses the lessons she learned while BMX racing and applies them to her nursing studies.


Bethany Kludt’s Tips for College Students to Spend Time with Their Family

Bethany Kludt is a college student studying for her nursing degree. When she is not studying, she often finds time to go home and visit her parents. Her parents live a couple hours away, so it is easy to make the trip frequently. She enjoys her mother’s cooking and spending time with her parents playing golf or watching movies. While many students spend their weekends on campus partying, Kludt takes the time to re-connect with her parents. She believes that the relationships between her and her parents is going to last forever and is more important than any relationship formed at a weekend party. That is why she prioritizes her weekends for her parents.

Bethany Kludt

Kludt also likes to spend time with her extended family as well. Her grandmother lives in Kentucky and is a die-hard University of Kentucky basketball fan. Whenever Kludt has extended time off, she will drive to Kentucky and visit her grandmother and watch a basketball game on the television. Her aunt and uncle also live in Kentucky and these weekend hangouts often turn into mini family reunions.

One piece of advice that Kludt likes to share with people is that while friends come and go, a family is going to be there forever. This is why her family is so important to her. Being in college is one of the greatest times for a young adult, students will learn to be independent and start to figure out a career, but for Bethany Kludt, it is also a time to be with family and keep strengthening the roots that hold families together.

How Bethany Kludt Trains for Her Bikini Competitions

Ever since she was a child, Bethany Kludt was into fitness. She started with BMX bike riding and then quickly turned to gymnastics and golf. However, it was when she entered college when Kludt find out about bikini competitions. These competitions are a form of physique contests, and the first time Kludt saw a contest, she was hooked.

For Kludt, she admired the strong and feminine physique of these women. Kludt had lifted weights in high school and was in good shape in her opinion, so Kludt decided to enter a local competition.

In the ensuing twelve weeks, Kludt dedicated herself to her studies and her training. Often she would wake up at five in the morning to spend at least an hour if not longer on the treadmill before her classes began. After finishing the days’ schoolwork, she would go back to the gym and lift weights. This routine would happen six days a week. During those days, she would train every major muscle group in her body. Aside from the exercise, Kludt would adhere to a strict diet that resulted in fat loss without losing muscle.

Bethany Kludt
Bethany Kludt

At the end of twelve weeks, Kludt was ready for her first competition. She had bought a new competition bikini with some of her money that she made while waitressing and had her hair and makeup done by a friend before the contest. Those ten minutes she was on stage were exhilarating. She had an instant rush of adrenaline when she stood up in front of the crowd and was proud to be competing against such a group of healthy women. Although she did not win the competition, she did win because she was in the best shape of her life. Kludt knew she was hooked. What she had accomplished in the past twelve weeks was astonishing. Kludt loved that feeling of being healthy and being able to push her body to a place where she did not think it could go. She immediately signed up for another contest two months away.

After her second bikini contest, Kludt will have to take a break from the sport. She is studying to become a registered nurse and has to concentrate her time on her classes so that she can graduate. However, she does not rule out returning to bikini competitions once she becomes a registered nurse and can dedicate more time to the sport. For Bethany Kludt, she has found a sport in bikini competition that can cater to her competitive attitude and push her body to a place she had never imagined.

Bethany Kludt – Three Nutritional Tips for College Students

Bethany is a nursing student. On top of the stressful life a nursing student, she also works as a waitress and competes in bikini competitions. Eating healthy and staying fit is important to her, but considering that she has such a busy schedule, sometimes it is difficult to maintain healthy eating habits. Here are three nutritional tips for college students with busy schedules.

Bethany KludtCollege students with busy schedules need to make sure that they eat a good breakfast. Skipping breakfast is unhealthy and is a bad way to start the day. The body needs sustenance in the morning and students need energy in the morning to do well in the classroom. Grabbing a bagel, eating some fruit, and drinking some juice are both quick and easy breakfasts that can be stored in a dorm room.

It is not recommended that college students eat fast food, even though it is the cheapest and most accessible food. If students must eat fast food they should avoid fried chicken, French fries, food with lots of salad dressing, and fish sandwiches. Get a pizza with half of the cheese, eat a baked potato, get regular sized sandwiches, and eat salad with less dressing. Essentially, limit the amount of high-fat fast food.

College students should keep a selection of handy snacks easily available. This is a great way to combat hunger during a late night of studying. Fresh or dried fruit, pretzels, rice cakes, unbuttered popcorn, and whole-wheat crackers are all great snacks. Avoid anything from the vending machines.

Bethany Kludt prioritizes her health, fitness, and nutrition. She does this because it is important to her personally and it is an important aspect of competing in bikini competitions.

Bethany Kludt – Tips for First-time Beauty Pageant Competitors

Bethany Kludt has competed in a number of beauty pageants in Ohio. She competed in the Miss Teen Ohio National American Miss competition and placed in third in the Miss Photogenic competition. She is currently a nursing student, but still enjoys beauty pageants and fitness competitions. Here are a few tips for first-time beauty pageant competitors.Bethany Kludt

  • First-time competitors need to be confident in themselves and what they have to offer to the competition. They cannot focus on what the other pageants are wearing, what they look like, or what they are saying. If they start focusing on and comparing themselves to their competition, negative thoughts will creep in, which can only damage a competitor’s performance. Maintaining focus and being confident in their selves is the best way first-time competitors can approach beauty pageants.
  • Making eye contact is very important for first-time competitors to remember. Eye contact shows confidence, and as we know confidence is important. Making eye contact with the judges will forge a connection between them and the competitor. Making eye contact during the interview portion of the competition is especially essential because it shows the judges that the competitors understand and believe in what they are saying.
  • First-time competitors need to set realistic goals for themselves. Obviously winning is the ultimate goal, but not everyone can win, especially in their first pageant. It’s a good idea for first-time competitors to make other goals like scoring well in specific portions of the competition or making new pageant friends. It is important to feel accomplished after a pageant, regardless of the outcome. Setting different goals helps achieve that.

Bethany Kludt has recently moved away from competing in beauty pageants and is focusing on competing in National Physique Committee bikini competitions and successfully making a career in nursing for herself.


Bethany Kludt – Tips for First-Time Bikini Competitors

Bethany Kludt recently began competing in bikini competitions via the National Physique Committee (NPC). In August 2014, she finished third in an NPC collegiate bikini competition in Louisville, Kentucky. She is a health conscientious person who enjoys weight lifting, maintaining her fitness, and taking care of her health. Deciding to join bikini competitions was a big decision, but is one that she does not regret. Here are a few tips for first-time bikini competitors.Bethany Kludt

  • Before first-time competitors sign up for a competition, they need to establish their purpose for competing. Wanting to win is not a good enough purpose because there are a lot of variables involved in the outcome of the competitions, such as the preference of judges. The purpose for competing should be something more personal like wanting to lose weight or building your brand as a personal trainer.
  • First-time competitors need to do research on bikini competition organizations. NPC, INBA, and WBFF are a few organizations that are well regarded. First-time competitors should look up the rules and regulations of each organization’s competition and choose an organization that suits them best.
  • First-time competitors should consider attending a local show or competitions before signing up to compete. This will give them an idea of what is expected at shows, how they operate, and who their competition might be. It may also help them choose the right organization. They should attend a few shows and determine which organization puts up the best show in terms of production value and exposure.

Bethany Kludt would like to become a Bikini Pro with NPC however it was a bucket-list item to honorably compete. To become a pro would take a lot of hard work, dedication and focus, but she is looking forward to the challenge ahead of her.